In addition to our conservation projects, we conduct ecological studies for community clients. We offer design, implementation, research, and reporting on a variety of wildlife conservation subjects. Our staff is experienced in many survey protocols, including special-status species. We are expert in federal and state planning and environmental regulations (e.g., National Environmental Policy Act), impact assessments, and mitigation planning. These ecological studies are often integrated into GIS and ecoregional planning services for our community clients. Below is a list of services we provide:

  • Biological investigations and evaluations

  • Habitat and vegetation assessments

  • Data collection and monitoring

  • Impact assessments

  • Regulatory review (e.g., National Environmental Policy Act)

  • Literature reviews

  • Data analysis and reporting

Previous Projects


Glen Canyon Institute Bio-Blitz


We value biodiversity and the Glen Canyon Institute, along with the National Park Service, chose us to organize and lead the first Glen Canyon National Recreation Area “Bio-Blitz”. The team is understanding how biota rebounds as Lake Powell recedes. We recruited thirteen of the regions best scientists to observe and collect a variety of species found in Glen Canyon.


Shorelands Preserve Avian Monitoring


We work with The Nature Conservancy in Utah to monitor and analyze bird use at The Great Salt Lake Shorelands Preserve. The project will provide a baseline to assess the potential impacts of the West Davis Highway and other development on bird use at the Preserve.